When will my spell be?

my last interval was on the 2nd of april and individual lasted 3 days. when is my subsequent period due as it have not arrive as yet .


Hey ! support me please my period is delayed?

No one can tell you exactly when your extent will be. Periods can vary from one month to the subsequent. If you have have a sexual encounter with a manly since your last spell, then the pregnancy try-out is not a bad notion.

You didn't say-so whether you have any medical conditions that could end in irregularity, so that also has to be considered. Also, over exercising, not ingestion enough or extra stress can contribute to irregular menstrual cycles. Most folks's cycles aren't exact. Animals have cycles that are precise (going into heat") humans don't.

Also, every month solitary one of your ovaries drops an egg into the uterus, so one month it could be heavy next to more cramping and other symptoms and one month light. Find an mature you trust and get more information, or be in motion to a clinic and pick up some pamphlets on the subject. Self erudition is always a step forward for warranty and safety.

Was your final period contained by any way unusual? Is three days shorter than common for you? Was it lighter or heavier than usual, or otherwise different, like clotting? If any of the above is so, you might want to consult a gynecologist.

Remember, cycles can oscillate from 26 to 30 or more days. You didn't mention your age which is also a factor. If you attend school, probably there is a nurse or clinic next to whom you can consult and ensure privacy. Don't fret for at least another week or so. Then if you still are unsure, seize help. Also, some folks skip a month for no apparent drive.

I know this answer is long, but I wanted you to twig how important it is to make out your own body and how it works.

Are birth controls dangerous?

Take a pregnancy tryout...

I'm always have period affliction..i can say every month even i rob a pill..u have an view how to avoid this?


GIRLS PLEASE: So according to this I have to see one of these doctor **cries**?

you will count 28 days from the day it starts. so be due yesterday. Yous aid it hasn't come yet, so you might enjoy symptoms that it is coming like, moody, stomach hurting etc.

I'm 28 years old, and wondering why i am wet my self when i cough or sneeze? i don't have a full bladder.

Have you in recent times started getting your period within the last few months? Are you on any birth control?

Periods can be 21 days apart, 28 days apart... sometimes more, sometimes smaller amount.

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That depends. Have you been regularly charting your cycle? If you hold been getting your time around the second of each month, consequently you might get it tomorrow. Keep surrounded by mind that not all period are like clockwork. You may not grasp it until the 4th, even.


Period's cycle varies from individual to person.If you want to find the due date of the next interval you will have to hang on to a track of it. Make a point to note down or remember the commencement of the period and calculate as explained below : -
1.Period's cycle is usually of 21 to 28 days.
2.Calculate 21 or 28 days from the commencement of the final period.(Days can vary)
3.The duration of the time might vary from 3 to 5days.
You have your last time on 2nd April, then your extent should start on 30th April.It might come on 1st May too. You might be having symptoms of term today.

Please help me I'm desperate!?

You know what I other do? I write on the calendar the exact date I got my extent and when it's due the next month (count 28 days) and write it down on the calendar the expected date , that road you'll know!

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