Could the baby be mine?

unprotected sex. 3 weeks ago i had sex near my girl and now it turns out she is pregnant. can u make clear to if she is pregnant 3 weeks after having sex? she have her period on July 27 we have sex Aug 13. she missed her period on Aug 27. her spell lasts around 3-4 days. the doctor said she be 7 weeks pregnant than he said 5 weeks he got me confused what could it be? or can u put in the picture if she pregnant after 3 weeks from the day u own sex? could the baby be mine?

how come you want to put us down?

Women ovulate (in other words their egg comes down prepared to be fertilized) approximately 2 weeks after her period. Sperm lives for 3 days. The egg lives for 24 hours so it looks similar to you are going to be a daddy. Yes, with the strange pregnancy tests you can inform that soon if someone is pregnant.. Unprotected sex is NOT a good notion! Is it?

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absolutely. and it's very promising.

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Yes, the baby could be yours. Depending on her cycles, a woman usually ovulates roughly 14-17 days from the start of her period - which would enjoy been when she be fertile.

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Yes, you can transmit if you are pregnant 3 weeks afterward. Seriously, you need to have a word to your girl and make sure it's yours.

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Go get a paternity theory test as soon as baby is born sounds approaching you doubt it already so do the best you can for her and baby till it's born and do the audition first thing.

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It could be your's. They'll be capable of tell her exactly how far along she is after her first ultrasound.

The best style to be 100% certain is to hold a DNA test after the infant is born. Until then, don't be a joggle about it. You're only just as responsible for the pregnancy (if the baby is your's) as she is.

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yes it's up

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Women ovulate (in other words their egg comes down in place to be fertilized) approximately 2 weeks after her period. Sperm lives for 3 days. The egg lives for 24 hours so it looks approaching you are going to be a daddy. Yes, with the trial pregnancy tests you can let somebody know that soon if someone is pregnant.. Unprotected sex is NOT a good notion! Is it?

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