what are the differences between elective and non-elective caesarean sections?

I need as heaps differences as possible. They should be totally compared, eg anaesthetically, surgically, post operatively, the difference for the mum etc

My friend needs help out asap?

Elective - done by choice and planned. Usually spinal anaeasthetic so patient awake. Usualy done for breach presentations, twins, know low lying placenta etc. Or for those idiots who are TOO POSH TO PUSH

Non-elective = Emergancy.
Done when not planned to surface, but clinical situation demands. Often when foetus becomes distressed or stuck. Depending on urgancy can be done near spinal anaesthetic but in emergancy full general anaesthetic given.

The surgical operation is alike poceedure, but depending on the casue of the need for the emergancy operation will determine the difference. e.g dignified blood loss, damage to uterus, emergancy due to pre-eclampsia.

Many non-elective c-sections are strightforward contained by the end.

Natural, run of the mill vaginal delivery is by far the best!

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Elective technique you have a choice within the matter. Non-elective mechanism that your physical condition leaves no choice, but for the doctors to do a c-section.

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An elective c section is where on earth the mother chooses to have it. She can enjoy an epidural and be awake during it, and will recover quicker from it. A non-elective is an emergency c partition where the child is in trouble and they enjoy to get it out without delay. The mother usually has to own a general anaesthetic ie you are knock out) and it is a major surgical operation. The little one is obviously at risk cos it is contained by distress and thats why they are doing the section. The mother is also at risk as it is a leading operation and there are risks associated beside anaestetic. My advice would be not to consider a c cubicle, and try for a natural birth if you can. you and the babe-in-arms will recover quicker and near less risk of principal trauma.

GIRLS only!?

From an NHS commissioning perspective adjectives deliveries are classified as non elective. Elective vehicle that a patient have been placed on a waiting catalogue and is then call in for treatment. Obvioiusly this is not the overnight case with a labour.

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Elective process you have made the conclusion, and you can usually decide when this will purloin place. Non elective means you enjoy no control, say if you be having a average birth and there be complications, that would be non elective.

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