My girlfriend is dizzy and cramping closely... i dont want to hurt heer..what should i do ?

she is dizzy and wants me to hold her..i dont have a problem with that but i'm worried i'm going to hurt her. It is bad enough that she is like this and i dont similar to seeing her like this....
Can someone pleqase help me
Shes malnourished. Give her some water and a bite to eat.
Your not going to hurt her, she wants you to hold her so hold her.
When I get realadjectivescrampy I get my boyfriend to put his hands on my stomach and hips (my hips hurt alot when I cramp) because his hands are heat up and it helps to sooth the hurt. Go find her a hot patch or towel or something and then put your hands resting on it.
Bring her tea or something warm and nice to drink to sooth her
Put on a movie she loves to take her mind off the cramp. Bring her any foods she wants etc.

When a girl is in pain similar to that she just wants you to take exactness of her.
Those sound close to the signs of dehydration. Have her drink at least 64oz of water every day and perchance even jolt her system with Emergen-C or Gatorade or Ensure just to draw from some electrolytes back in her system, as well as other much needed nutrients. As someone that have recently in the past year spent 8 days surrounded by the ICU for dehydration, I know those symtoms well.
go to the doctors..........god people are glutinous asking random people questions around health, this site and its questions just capture dafter and dafter.
Er you may want to consult a doctor on this one. Even if the question was clear enough for someone to net a guess you shouldn't trust a bunch of random internet users on this one
lately tell the ***** she pragnet, damn

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