I am have assorted womanly troubles...?

As you know... the economy is tough right now and I had one of my pap smears come pay for as abnormal. This has happened back but then I went in a second time and it come back as normal. This last one within march came back unexpected and then I lost my job before I could budge back in for a biopsy. I didnt stress about it much, but lately my period have been extremely intense... Bad cramps, heavier flow.
Not only that, but I also come down beside frequent urinary tract infections, also I have extreme pain when I have sex. Especially afterwords. I go to the doc about all of this before, worried perchance it was an std, but it came back as glum... I really wish I could settle all of these issues and have a regular vivacity.. I am only 22.
You should really go pay for to the doctor and get the colposcopy. That will identify what is wrong with you. If it is something bad, at lowest possible you can treat it now when you are 22 and ease your mind.

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