Female facilitate!?

My freind wants to learn how to use a tampon. i have told her how to insert them but shes still uncomfterble using them what else should i bring up to date her??
See how she feels.
Simple. If she is uncomfortable using them, afterwards tampons are not for her. However, she could try sitting in different positions or using some type of lubricant to insert them to become more comfortable if she really wants to use them.
It can be uncomfortable when you first start using them because the person isn't used to it. If it is uncomfortable it usually technique it hasn't been put in properly. Tell her to relax, rest on of her feet on the tub or toilet lid or squat down whichever feels more comfortable and push it up and back. For a first time user it would probably be easier for her to use applicator tampons :)
only try and relax and if she still doesnt like using them maybe they just aint for her use pad.
awww of late tell her to relax and stay comftorble and she will get used to it. tell her to use it for her subsequent 2 periods and then see how she feels. :D

answer mine please ladies?? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090827101757AASQ87m

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