Used a condom and later it broke and length come on subsequent sunshine should i be worried?
well umm if you got your time then obviously your not pregnant.
capably yes actually - it is common to get a extent following intercourse where you have conceived - so if next one is unpunctually then go to the doc or do preggy test - otherwise progress right now and get a morning after pill - you have a few days so rotten you go!
You could still be pregnant. Take a audition in a few weeks.
if its like a regular length no
if its light like realllllllly desk light maybe
but no u shouldnt be
your period isnt always assurance. clutch a pregnancy test. some people can still get their extent and be pregnant. this i am certain about.
period is the assurance you know. if you hold a period then your safe
no if you got your time it means you are not pregnant
I wouldn't worry.
take the plan b
You should note that your period is the shedding of your menstrual endometrium (your utural lining) which is for your egg to attach itself to for nourishment. Therefore if your endometrium is shedding, a fertilized egg cannot successfully attach to your uterus. I would not verbs - even if you had fertilized an egg (which also isn't likely, because of the area you be in during your menstrual cycle) it would simply be swept out with the rest of your period. You are possible scot free, congratulations! Source(s): A reproduction unit in a university level biology class, and…
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