HELP.................Girls just please?

Ive had this discharge for about a year now and its starting to attain more heaver should we say. and ive starting to get lower adominal cramps and sore heads. but at dark i feel really tired . help do you think my period are coming.

and by the way i was at school when i started to draw from the lower adominal pains so i went to the nurse and she says it could be your periods. im 13
Yeah it is probably your period. If you are really worried step to the doctor.
Does the discharge have odor? Color? Texture? Could be an infection. If it is indeed some kind of vaginal infection and you're have pain, you need to seek medical treatment from a doctor that isn't going to dismiss your complaints because of your age. An untreated vaginal infection can head to PID (pelvic inflammatory disease) and that is NOT a good thing to enjoy. So you know, PID isn't only caused by sexually transmitted infections so please take the info you read seriously.

Do yourself a favor and research some of the more adjectives vaginal infections (yeast, bacterial vaginosis). The info you find could give you an idea of what may be wrong and could help you desire whether or not you need to see a doctor.

Then again, it could just be impending period doom. But I've worked surrounded by the medical field for long enough to know that the answer isn't always rainbows and kittens.
i have the same exact article and my mom told me it is my period coming i keep waiting but nothing happen. try the fetal position when you have cramps at home but at school try breathing heavily.
Yeah im pretty sure its ur periods, especially as its be goin on this long. Discharge is completely normal wen u are due for ur period. Some people one and only get it a little bit, or if ur like me, u catch it alot! So dont worry too much.
yes it very well could mean your time of year is on it's way... if your really worried about it try asking your doctor about it.
yes it is possible that it could be your periods. if the torment is bad, use a warm beanie to put on it. ite really eases the backache
ya that scheme ur period is coming :)
sucks that means u can have a kid
It Probably Is your Period And Its Nothing to Worry About!
Just Carry around a wipe In Your Purse In case You Start
People agreement with puberty in many different ways. What you enjoy described could very well be your periods. If, however, you gain any severe or continuous pain that you think may be too much then call on your doc for a check up. From what you have said though it sounds 100% normal. You should do some extra reading, search for teen sites just about puberty and they will tell you all what you should expect.
sounds like your about to start your period to me, they suck.
The same exact article did happen to me several months before my cycle started. I went to the nurse too. When my term did start, the discharge stopped except it did show up when I was ovulating. When I ovulated, I did get really tired and could fall asleep contained by the middle of talking to someone. Some of us are lucky enough to be in tune near our bodies. It helped me through my life. If you can mark your calender when your period come and if you have discharge several days to 2 weeks later, you will be able to plan your enthusiasm. When you are tired, you need to sleep. Your body is telling you that is what you have need of. Headaches are the same way. The lower abdomen anguish is probably showing you that you will be starting your cycle soon.

Now, let me suggest some things that might help you.
Headaches many times come from not satisfactory water in your system. You need to drink 6-8 goggles a day. If you do not like water, add on a slice of fruit to flavor the water like lemon, lime, peach or slices of cucumber. Headaches at your age can be from the hormones as well. Try to find out what your body wants instead of taking pain relief. Are you eating 3 dutiful meals a day and snacking on fruit? Take a good multivitamin for teens or women and an more B vitamin. The B vitamin will give you extra strength during the day. Take ALL vitamins in the morning near food or it can upset your stomach. You may want to take a Vitamin D as well to protect your bones, teeth, helps you occupy calcium, and is supposed to help protect you from future breast cancer. D is a vitamin that most kids are lacking at the moment. Lastly get outside. Even if you are not sports minded, you need to be walking at least 20-30 minutes every sunshine and not just from class to class. It needs to be 20-30 minutes together. When you exercise, you just touch better about yourself. It actually lifts your spirits. Source(s): I go through the same thing! If you have more question about good health see my blog AND consult to your mom or guardian.
Leave me a message and I will get back to you. Have your mom check it out as well so she can oblige you understand yourself better.

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