I'm really upset that I stopped growing. Any assistance?!?

My cousin is only 11 and she seems to be catching up to me. And I'm 13 and my height is 5'5". But immediately, I feel like my body isn't growing anymore even though I NEVER remembered getting a growth spurt. Am I still going to grow?
Your actually tall, that average american woman is 5"2, and you are taller than that, so relax.

Try drinking 2-3 glasses of milk a year, and get 10 hours of sleep, it will work if you haven't stopped growing.
You might be done growing (for the most part). But you will grow a few inches until your done (usually going on for 18). My sister stopped growing in 5th grade but when her bones finished fusing together she gained a few inches.

Bottom string - You probably will grow a few more inches but you are mostly done growing.
5'5" is a normal rank. A lot of people (my age, younger, older, even ADULTS) are SHORTER than you, so you're fine. And also, you'll probably keep growing until you're 18. I'm not motto you'll be like 5'9" or something, but you might reach 5'6" - 5'10" (the taller, the less chance) Girls usually grow until 18.
5'5 is a great height to be. You'll be able to wear pumps or flats and not hold to worry about being too towering or too fall. Besides, if you don't, why worry? Your that height, and it's better later being 4'11 like me.

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