Will my time be regular?

im not sure if my second period is going to be regular and i am scared if it is not tht i will not be set when it does come!! HELP

Is this really serious?

I don't know how old you are,but if you've only have one period and you are just starting to obtain periods, you may or may not be regular for a while. Everyone is a little different. I be very irregular as a teenager...every few months or so. It is apposite just to be ready, fetch pads or extra undies in your backpack/purse. Look for signs that you might be going to enjoy it soon like cramping, bloating, increase in discharge, breast discomfort. That way you can kind of speak, "Okay I think I'm going to get my spell soon."
Don't worry. It'll all be alright. GOOD LUCK!

Should I enjoy a breast tightening?

I am wondering one and the same thing!! I got my first one on the 6th and it be fairly normal it last 5 days and was a normal amount and stopped but very soon I'm wondering when I'll get my next one and if it will be ordinary but from what i heard when you start it can be very irregular so I'm carrying pantyliners and pad with me. I just don't want it to unexpectedly come and be unhealthy.embarrassing! Anyway good luck!

Can you choose the sexual category of your..?

It should be regular, unless you enjoy a change in diet or hold sex. But otherwise it should be close to the first day you started.
Jus make sure you enjoy enough pads and tampons when you do win. And when you'll know your close to getting it becus you'll probably become moody and crampy.

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