Why is my interval slowly?

i was supposed to get my spell around july 20, now its august 8 and there is no sign of it coming and its usually pretty consistant
i'm not pregnant, I'm 17 and a virgin

I become a vegan around the 23 of July, and I've been doing more excersize after i normally do
I weigh in indistinguishable range as i normally do 135-140 which is forceful for my height 5'8

Answers:    Having irregular periods can be cause by a number of things such as significant weight gain or loss (Although low body freight is a common cause of missed or irregular period, obesity also can cause menstrual problems), over-exercise, poor nutrition (or a diet too large in carbohydrates), smoking, certain medication, caffeine, excessive alcohol use (interfering with how the liver metabolizes estrogen and progesterone), eating disorders, increased stress, PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome or estrogen dominance), uterine abnormality such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, polyps, endometriosis and hormonal imbalances.

I would recommend you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist for further evaluation to see what they dream up could be causing this.

Good luck :).
Relax, my period is delayed right in a minute as i type, you're not alone!
The date of which the period begins is never consistent, as it is artificial by your physical and mental well being e.g. Stress, exercise, and your food intake.

Mine have been delayed for 2 weeks now. It usually happen, but not to worry, as long as you know you haven't had sex or anything it WILL come.

I used to grasp worried like you, but just hushed down its normal and natural XD

If you are unquestionably sure you aren't pregnant, your answer is probably your diet change. Diet and exercise level enjoy a lot to do with your time of year being regular every month. Severe changes contained by either of those can throw it out of wack. Stress is also a factor. If you are virgin you don't have to verbs about being pregnant.Maybe because you own been doing a lot of exercise you length is going to came late or is going to transformation the date.You need to wait roughly speaking 5 days more.Also being very stressed make periods came slow..
You weigh enough that it probably has zilch to do with your new conduct.

Make sure to eat allot of protein though. That might be what's causing it, or it might in recent times be a fluke.

If it continues much longer go to the doctor..
are you sure yer ego is not prego, cause to be exact a doodle that cant be undid homeskillet.
but really go to a docter. ok only just relax its fine this is normal one girl went a integral year without hers. but if you get really stressed out move about ask your doctor she'll know what to do or ask your mom .
Mystic Meg said it's hormones, and it will arrive shortly. it probably forgot buy it a alarm clock
that should work

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