Why does it hurt my gf when i insurt my second-hand goods into hers??

lately when me and my gf have been have sex the initcial entry hurts here and i am not sure why... im thinking it is either because off to much sex, or i hold been using a different kind of condoms. they are call intensely ribbed and im thinking they maybe rubbing her raw??

Answers:    Perhaps you are not giving her adequate foreplay or, in listening to the tone of your dialogue, you think of her only as a piece of meat and not a creature.

"Insurt (sic) my junk"? Wow, that is just slopping over beside love and respect for her.
It could be alot of things.the new condoms, what they are made of, if you're too rough or she might have a medical condition that make sex painful. One of them is called endometriosis. She can just find out about this if her gynecologist does and exam, ultrasound and a surgery called a laproscopy. This isn't a disease or disorder that would affect you contained by any way. For her, it can make period and sex very painful among other things.

Just cooperate to her..try different condoms and postitions. Ask her to see her gynecologist.painful sex is something they hear about adjectives the time among other things. .
it may be too much sex and not enough lubrication..if u are using ribbed condoms i would suggest making sure she is really wet or using some lube...again it may be that u two are sexing it up alot and she is fear raw down there and it is also possible that you enjoy cut her down there from the ribbed condom or not being drizzly enough...and lastly it could be that since u have changed up condoms she could be have a reaction to the latex or soem ingredient in that faddy condom make sure you use lube! and go final to regular condoms you are probably rubbing her raw!poor thing! freshly let her heal for a a hours of daylight or two and the next time buy some lube! WET is a good brand and silicone base so it lasts longer and is waterproof. You can draw from some at walmart. If the irritation persisits she might be allergic to latex.
Lets try a little experiment shall we? Insert your penis between two sheets of sandpaper and rub, how does this feel? Now rub KY jelly adjectives over your penis and rub with soft hands, how does this surface? Get the picture! A piece of advice, girls need to enjoy an orgasm first, so rub her clitoris until she has a orgasm about 10 minutes or so, other even with lubricated condoms use KY jelly to slather up her and you this will make it much more pleasurable. Please go past this on to your friends, guys really don't have a clue! Maybe she has some vaginal dryness? Try some lube. If you own sex without lube and you are using a condom *kudos for that* it sometimes gets fairly dry. The friction of the condom against the skin causes irritation. (at least for me) Try some KY..
it could be the too much sex item, but it also could be that your junk is big, and when inserting it, it widens the vaginal nouns more then expected, which may be causing the strain.hope this helps.

its gotta be the condoms. I tried the ribbed ones and they hurt me too. Use some lube (that is ok for latex) and if that doesnt help, try a different type of condom. KOODOS for using a condom btw. I'm thinking its the condoms

answer mine.
why your referring to your parts
as unwanted items?
i don't know.
but i laughed hysterically
when i read that.
I feel discouraging for your
If ya'll have sex alot i'd say it be cuz of that and the condom thing. Try to take a break for a year or 2 and see if that helps. it might be the new condoms or have sex too often (creates friction in a gental area), or it could stingy moer foreplay. Stress and other things can impact wettness too, so maybe try some ky jelly.
stop the sex for like a couple weeks or a month and later try and it it still hurts then use a different type of condom maybe shes really not that damp try using a lubricant with the condom.
both probably she's probably hurting from the guy who was contained by her before you. .
possibly use lube that will help Do something excluding sex you sick ****

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