Why do women occasionally "virtual it"?

Do women "fake it" because they are not getting enough pleasure during sex but want to breed their man happy? Or is there another common sense I'm not aware of?

Dear adjectives, My Girlfriend is 21 yrs aged and for the recent past several days, she's be suffering next to severe abdomin

maybe b/c shes not in the mood and purely wants to get it over beside

Abdominal aching?

Because men put an enormous amount of pressure on us to have an orgasm. Men suppose that if women don't have an orgasm vaginally then they are doing something wrong. That is not the suitcase. Most women don't have an orgasm vaginally. We should be having orgasms but it almost other doesn't happen vaginally or at least in need added clitoral stimulation. The sex does need to be good but if men would basically relax about the whole vaginal singular orgasm thing then we wouldn't computer-generated it. As long as we have an orgasm at some point during sex we're good, lol. Take your time. Explore. Be creative. Dont permit it be the focal point and a lot of times it just ends up stirring. I usually end up faking because when I'm honest I see the disappointment everytime contained by a guy's face. It's an ego thing near you guys. You just have to catch over it. Hope that helps.

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every once in awhile--''reason-i know what he is doing will carry me off another time.'' just not within the mood-hear things in tthe back ground etcc but i wont not genuine it just to get him contained by a better mood or if hes doing it a little off etccc. but me n hubby hold been together since we wer 13. we know what each other loves-just sometimes its a sour day--good luck!

This is a REALLY strange cross-examine but...?

well there are alot of reasions why ,resembling you said its just not working for us so we imitation to make him think hes doing pious, or we just want it to be over ,have somewhere to be,have a hard day and cant return with it off are mind..

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well near are alot of reasions why ,like you said its just given up the ghost for us so we fake to make him expect hes doing good, or we just want it to be over ,own somewhere to be,had a hard daytime and cant get it off are mind..

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in good health sometimes its just that women can "dry out" and it gets sensitive. or with certain positions, it can start to hurt, too. it doesnt hurt the stomach, but around that nouns.
so maybe thats why?
some women cant even orgasm...

Helpppp! i call for some honourable answers..?

Speaking for the few times I've done it, it's because I don't want my husband to feel fruitless because he always wants so inadequately to please me. It's been a very undercooked occurance though, because he knows exactly what to do.

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I can honestly say I hold never faked it but if I ever needed to it would because my husband can't seem to find off until I do.

Abdominal twinge?

sometimes its cuz the guys not doing it very okay and she doesent wanna hurt him by tellin him

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Because it isn't going to happen and we know it but we don't want to hurt the guy's ego.

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