How affective are condoms? Do they prevent pregnancy really okay? Im curious
Answers: Have you sen a condom for a Man? Or are you talking a bout a Female condom??? Male condoms are a physical barrier between the penis and vagina!! .
Condoms do work ably. I have heard of them bursting when have sex also. I'm a guy and I do not like condoms, and therefore I never use them anymore. Condoms slim down the sensitivity when having sex. The best way to prevent preganancy is absitnence from sex, which I would not recommend , or you could step on the pill. They're very affective at preventing pregnancy, many also contain spermicide, so even if they burst, the sperm that escapes is already unmoving..
ANY TIME you have sex you can get pregnant.
No situation what protection or where in your cycle you are you can gain pregnant.
The only 100 per cent effective method is thriftiness.
Very effective, don't re use, and I suggest using lubrication that is hose down based to avoid ripping of the condom. depends on if you use it the right way..
This site give away free condoms. I've tried it and it works great