What studies are out near that show that abstinance solitary childhood works?


I'm thirty years weak and the lone mode that I can hold an orgasm is if I'm on the top.Any suggestions?

No reliable studies show that it works. It's all based on the hypothesis that IF people are abstinent, then they won't procure pregnant or get diseases. But that's a very big IF. If we judge things by what MIGHT happen rather than by what in truth does happen, then every diet would be 100% successful and there would never be war.

I'm am 14 almost 15 and i am 5'1 and i weigh 90 pounds?

None that I know of. Abstinance is the simply form of birth control that is 100% effective but I know of no studies on it. The ultra conservative far right desires it. But look what the far right has done to our country recently

Skinny or not?

Christian ones.

Is it regular to bleed when I'm not on my length?

I go to a catholic school and that's what we were qualified..and believe me it didn't work.

Girls please assist!!?

Thrush, or first time sex?
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