What should I procure my boyfriends mother for mothers afternoon?

My boyfriend and I have been going out for a year surrounded by a half. Should I get his mom something for mothers sunshine and if so what should I get her.

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That would be nice if you guys are close! Think about what she like...if she likes to cook maybe an exciting modern cook book, does she garden? She may like a plant with a bulb that will come up year after year (like tulips or lillies or hyacinth) If she like to read those Chicken Soup for the Soul books are light fun reading, or if she has a stressful opportunity you can always toss together a "pamper basket" near some candy, quality coffee or tea, candles and a chick flick!

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A card or flowers. Typically, it is up to him to get his mother something unless you are married and later she is your mother in law. When my husband and I be engaged I got his mother flowers, but thats it. It be considered from both of us, but more from him b/c he never took the time to do anything for her himself. I really would not make a big deal of it.

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i suppose that would be sooo extremely sweet and nice to give your bf moms a present, u should give her some flowers,or something that comes from the heart!! suitable luck
but can you please help me!

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how abt shoulders scarf =) ? momys love that, and some flowers, they would be amazing, chose different flowers, colorful and some white and red roses, some tulip and lilies too,,amazing.

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you dont is she your mother? NO so you dont have 2.

GIRLS i get a ques?

She is not your mother. NOTHING!

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How do you?

A plant or candy!

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