What is wrong next to me 'down there'?-Symptoms given.

Hello, I am a little bit worried about some symptoms that enjoy come up in my 'down there' area only just.

I am a 13 year old female, so markedly I have not had ANY sexual experiences what-so-ever. (Not even start on mouth kissing). I have however, had my interval for about a year and four months-but that has evened out in a minute and everything seems to be fine. (I have used tampons regularly for days gone by 7 months but I use pads as well).

Okay here are some symptoms I have have recently:
-A few months ago I had small, puss and blood-filled lumps on my labia majora that come and went for a while. I still have the remnants of one.

-about one month ago I have a very large and tight, similar lump under my right arm

-occasionally my vaginal area get VERY itchy, and sometimes I accidentally scratch it so hard it starts to bleed

-now some pimple approaching lumps (one in particular) have come up surrounded by between my vagina and anus, they hurt a little when i sit down

-my vaginal discharge is clear and kinda like an coarse egg white. I does have a few little 'balls' of murky-white coloured discharge though, and these weren't there up to that time.

Does anyone know of anything that these might relate to? An infection of some sort or is it all normal??

Help, I am really worried, okay not THAT worried, but I would really like to know if anyone has any info for me.

Answers:    Sweetie, you really shouldn't clutch advice from people on the internet. I know this must be fear-provoking for you, but make sure you told a trusted female full-grown about this...

You don't even need to present them details.

You really should see a doctor.

They've seen 139832081 vaginas and yours will be no different and no big deal to them.

You never know when it could be serious.

Goodluck :).
It sort of sounds close to warts which is an std but I could be wrong I had gotten them one time and have had entercourse but not recent enough to ponder that that was to blame so I was told it could hold been from sitting on toilet seats, so may be the travel case for you but the best way to know is see a doctor.good luck. sounds close to you are getting some acne down there from touching it too much (not like masturbation, but touching the pimples and things)
I have the same thing and it didn't jump away until I left it alone. Shaving seemed to double the amount of pimples so I don't do that anymore, lately trim.
Your discharge dosen't sound abnormal to me...

Good Luck :).
You involve to see a doctor to determine what infection you have so he can prescribe the correct medication. This will not go away by itself. Ask your mom to produce a doctor's appointment right away. It will be fine once you see the doctor. You really should see a doctor. A lot of your symptoms sound like STD symptoms, but next to your lack of sexual encounters, its markedly unlikely that you wold have one. See a doctor..soon..
It sounds like you hold encountered a boil, which is caused by excess friction within an area or sweat and bacteria(staph) clogging a pore. They show up in areas that are susceptible to that. Dr.s usually recommend some big-hearted of topical antibacterial liquid like povidone iodine can assassinate the bacteria. Just rub it on in the shower (it's horrid looking and runny but effective) and rinse it off afterward. Do this everyday and they should go away. They can make tracks scars so once you have one you want to put some neosporin on it and maintain it covered until it's healed. Don't squeeze em cuz they will spread. Do not reuse towels even if it was single you; this only spreads the bacteria. Take a shower everyday no event what until you clear up the problem. It's actually a common piece so no biggie and nothing to worry just about.

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