Does your subsequent time of year start 28 days after the first daylight of your final time of year or the later sunshine of you final time of year
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You count your cycle from the first day of your length to your next period but it is not 28 days for everyone. I use to transcript my period. I set it up to send me an email to remind me a couple days earlier I expect my period.The first day of your cycle is other the first day you start to bleed. In other words, the first day of bleeding is the second day of your last cycle AND the first sunshine of your next cycle. Your cycle may not always be 28 days long.
everybody is different, it might be 28 days, but it might be longer. but you're supposed to start counting on the first afternoon.
28 days after the 1st day of your last spell
I don't understand--discharge...assist?
Ok so i'm 13 and I havent in fact gotten my interval but I other hold this white discharge contained by my underwear.
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