What is the morning after pill, and where on earth do you go and get it?


Eating disorder?

I'm not an expert in the subject but, I can give you the common idea.

The morning after pill is like a super anti-contraception pill. Is similar to taking an overdose of those pill rolled up into one. It is used in case of an "emergency" up to 3 days of sexual intercourse.
It is not an abortion pill as it will not induced abortion. There are some pill that will do that. One example of its used is if while have sexual intercourse the condom breaks. You can wait it out to see what happens or you could steal the morning after pill and increase the chances of not getting pregnant. It is not to be used on a regular basis.

You can seize the pill by going to your local plan parenthood clinic which are usually located in the more developed towns. By developed I miserable the biggest town in your area. This is so they can achieve more people. A town of 100 will probably have smaller number of a need of such things like lay say aloud the capital of your state. Hospitals may have it too. Check the washed out pages and do a walk within. Remember is only good for in the region of 3 days. So if you had sex last darkness that you think might lead to an unwanted pregnancy after the clock started ticking then.

Note that since this pill is more concentrated than your regular pill you may have some minor side efects close to nausea and what not.

I hold white discharge, andi don't enjoy my extent..what is this?

This is form of birth control that is taken after sex
Usually it is 2 pills with voluminous amounts of hormones. First need to be taken as soon as possible after intercourse, not later than 72 hours. Second one - exactly after 24 hours.
Sometimes drug stores enjoy them, however you might need to contact a doctor. Especially if you are younger than 16-17.

Girl make conversation...uhh?

Its Not Very Nice To Be Honest. I Got Given It And I Didnt Take It...I Read Through The Booklet And One Page It Said Do NOT Take If You Think You May Be Pregnant As This Can Harm The Baby And Then On Another Page It Said You Can Take ItIf You Think Your Pregnant It Wont Harm You. So I Just Didnt Bother Taking It I Wasnt Going To Kill A Baby If I Had One Inside Me.

Good Luck (=

Bereniice Ox

When will the pill nick affect?

Its a pill that stops you from ovulating and keeps your from getting pregnant.
You can use it up to resembling 3 days after you have sex and it prevents you from getting pregnant... its free at the health dept.

What sort of article will give a hand?

emergency birth control, surrounded by case you got pregnant the dark before..and usually you get it through your doctor or a pregnancy crisis center.

How long does it clutch you to run 2 miles on a tredmill. It take me give or take a few 22 min. Is this ok or am i slow?

you bring back it at the "USE A COMDOM" store!!

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