What is the fertile time while on Yaz?

I've been taking Yaz for about 4 months presently, and have been have unprotected sex for about a few weeks, and my boyfriend and I are worried about my fertile spell. I've looked up online and found all different sorts of calendars, but they are adjectives different. There's no way we want a baby...okay at this stage in our life at least possible.

Birth control request for information for those on the pill.?

unfortunately there is no mode to say for sure. The best person to speak beside would be your doctor.
Risk of pregnancy depends on a lot of things
- what your typical cycle is like
- how regular you are
- other medication and interactions
- how often you have sex
- when you've have sex if you want to try to approximate it with the time that you most likely ovulated if you did

All I can recount you is the most common menstrual cycle. A reliable chart is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Menst...

As you can see women usually ovulate around day 14 starting after the menstrual bleeding starts. Since sperm on average lives 3-4 (6 days max) days within the female reproductive tract, I'd take special precaution at days 8-15/16. The extra 1-2 days is because the ovum typically survives no more than 24 hrs. But this is adjectives assuming an average menstrual cycle.

It can get *really* tricky for various reason.
- change in time of ovulation (earlier or after that than usual)
- variability in ovum lifespan - it may live longer that exceptional month
- variability in sperm lifespan
- recitation when exactly bleeding started e.g. sometimes we spots for several days before the full blown period hits

Yaz say it should actually make period *more* regular. As you've already been on it for 4 months and assuming consistent use, you should be safe from pregnancy for the most slice since birth control pills prevent ovulation.

You can also look into emergency contraception just in baggage if it may help prevent an unwanted pregnancy. (e.g. if you are worried due to missing a dose of Yaz).

I remember being worried too when I first go on the pill. You can also use a condom at the same time. It prevents STIs as you know, pills do not and gives you a piece of mind!

Oh, a different thing, if you want to have a better concept of your personal cycle, you can get out a calender and mark the days you bled and how much (e.g. spots, flimsy, heavy, etc.).

I.didnt break into my girlfriend but ejaculate on her vagina.will she capture pregnant.pls give a hand.urgent?

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