What is feternal pregnecy
How do you get pregnat like that. what do you do
Answers: Its twins.
But they don't look alike.
They are born at matching time though.
When you are having sex 2 or more sperm make it to the egg.
I dont know.
And i guess lots of other population on here dont know either.
There is like lone one way to get preggo. And thats pretty plain as the nose on your face,
Pads or Tampons. Which do you prefer?
Is it ordinary: >0.0<
L hold a moment or two hole on my upper inner labia that won't restore to health
Estrogen level are bad?
Uhhhh.cross-question for MATURE society?
Growing up next to alot of confusion!~?Pap smear?
Birth control request for information for those on the pill.?