What does it aim when you take your time twice within one month?

I had my period almost two weeks ago and have it again, and the whole nine yard of cramps, bloating, etc. My period tends to be irregular, though I do get hold of it every month, usually 2-4 days off schedule. I have my period last month, so what could this be going to? Any answers would be GREATLY appreciated.

Answers:    Periods that are too frequent (more often than every 28 days also called "metrorrhagia") can be related to several predisposing factor:

If the periods are otherwise normal, consequently a short "luteal phase" or insufficient ovarian production of progesterone may be responsible. If the periods are inconsistent, then flop to ovulate and the resulting anovulatory bleeding may be responsible. If the periods are actually commonplace and once a month, but there are episodes of bleeding in between the period, then mechanical factor such as fibroids or polyps may be responsible. Women with hyperthyroidism are classically described as experiencing frequent, heavy period. They, in reality, not often show that pattern, but we usually screen these patients for thyroid disease anyway.

Early stages of pregnancy might be a possible raison d`??tre as well, but it could happen if you adaptation your eating habits, are stressed, own a lot on your mind, etc. Our emotions and hormones collide deeply.

I've experienced frequent periods too in times past that was caused by ovarian cysts.

There could be other cause for the frequent periods you are experiencing and I would recommend you see your doctor/gyno for further evaluation to see what they think could be cause this.

Good luck :).
Its most likely just your hormones.
Thats what it be when mine was like that.
Are you on birth control?
Its usual.

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