What does an OBGYN do to you on your first stop by?
Answers: Your doctor will probably give you a pap smear. It is a simple and quick question paper. While you lie on an exam table, the doctor puts an instrument called a speculum into your vagina, space it to see the cervix. She will then use a special stick or brush to take a few cell from inside and around the cervix. The cells are placed on a glass slide and sent to a lab for nouns. While usually painless, a Pap test is uncomfortable for some women. And the doctor will probably ask you question about being sexually alive or not, and when the first day of your last time was. The doctor may also test your urine (have you pee within a cup) and give you a breast exam..
pap test.
pelvic exam.
creature exam.
usually blood work, a breast exam, and a pap smear.