What does an abortion discern close to?

I am going to have one on tuesday. I don't want to have the kid I don't get the impression like losing my body because of a kid. And don't tell me it murder blah blah I don't protection I am having it because I don't want to have a kid and lose my numeral. AND DONT SAY have the kid why would I want this kid I would hate and treat horrible. I am 16 my insurance is covering it and i dont guardianship if you think it murder or whatever in recent times how does it feel

Answers:    Once you arrive and proceed through security, you will be given paperwork to start the admit process. One of our staff will soon call you from the waiting room to complete the intake paperwork in the Admitting Office. You will after see a counsellor with whom you can discuss any questions or concerns that you may enjoy about your decision, alternative option or about the abortion procedure itself. She will review your medical history and discuss your birth control options. Please discuss any concerns you may enjoy with the counsellor. At the end of the chat with the counsellor, she may give you a medication to relieve anxiety and diminish distress if you wish.

Your counsellor will provide you with an Informed Consent Form. This document is to inform you of possible complications that could result from a surgical abortion. This form must be signed by you up to that time an abortion can be performed. Reading the list of complications may alarm you. We want you to know that this legal requirement is for your protection and safety, but surrounded by practice very few complications actually go on.

Your counsellor will show you where to change into a hospital gown and the locker where on earth you may safely leave your personal possessions. You will later have an ultrasound examination to confirm down your pregnancy and a routine finger-prick blood test to determine the RH factor in your blood and your hemoglobin count. A nurse will next accompany you to the operating room to meet the clinic doctor

Our clinic have an excellent safety record unparalleled almost anywhere and complications are rare. There has never be a death due to abortion at any of the Morgentaler clinics for the last thirty-one years; if a complication does come to pass we are able to deal beside it appropriately. The technique we use is extremely safe and does not prevent you from carrying any future pregnancy to permanent status should that be your plan.

The model of patient care and surgical technique that were pioneered by Dr. Morgentaler has regularly been imitated but seldom duplicated. For over 35 years Dr. Morgentaler and the Morgentaler Clinics have been deliver outstanding patient focused medical care beside impeccable results. His philosophy of care and exceptional patient protection guidelines have been adopt and instituted across the country by most abortion facilities and hospitals providing this service.

The Abortion Procedure:

The operation involves a safe and simple procedure during which the doctor humanely opens the cervix (dilation) and empties the uterus by aspiration. The entire procedure solitary takes between 5 and 10 minutes. To ensure maximum comfort conscious sedation is offered involving I.V. anaesthesia and other pain and anxiety-relieving agents. All the equipment used at the Morgentaler clinics is completely sterile and hygienic, using guidelines and protocols instituted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, the Canadian Medical Association and adjectives other applicable governing authorities.

All abortions are performed by physicians who have be specially trained in these techniques and are assisted by registered nurses. You will enjoy a bedside counselor to help you throughout the entire procedure. The bedside counselor is your advocate and guardian, and have your best interest at heart. She will help to prepare you and get you equipped for the doctor who will perform your abortion.

The doctor will perform a routine gynaecological exam (pelvic exam) by placing 2 fingers into your vagina while placing the other foot on your abdomen. This exam gives the doctor a rough opinion of the position and size of your uterus. After the pelvic examination has be completed, the doctor will place a speculum into your vagina, which you may be familiar with if you have ever have a pap test.

At this time the doctor will cleanse your cervix (the opening to your uterus) near an antiseptic soap. This is then followed by local freezing which may cause you to quality a small amount of cramping or pinching. The doctor will than dilate (widen) your cervix, generally taking a minute or two, by carefully inserting a small rod into the cervix which will than be removed and bit by bit followed by more rods of increasing size until your cervix is opened. You may experience slight pressure or mild cramping during this part of the procedure.

Once the dilation of your cervix is completed the doctor will than place a small tube into your cervix which is attached to a vacuum pump specifically turned on for a few minutes and facilitates the empting of your uterus. You may experience some period close to cramping at this stage of the procedure as your uterus contracts and gets smaller.

In the final stage of the procedure the doctor will do a curettage (there is no cutting involved) of the inside of the uterus to check for any remaining tissue back doing the final suction. The doctor will than check to be sure that the abortion is complete before removing all the instruments. If the doctor feel that the uterus is not empty, she or he may repeat the curettage and suction process. The doctor and the medical staff will examine the suctioned tissue to be sure that your abortion procedure is completed.

At this point your abortion procedure is over and you are no longer pregnant. The bedside counselor will help to geared up you for your move to the recovery area, where on earth you will rest and relax after your abortion.

In the recovery area the nurse will check your blood pressure and heart rate and step over the abortion aftercare instructions. Medications are available for women who experience uncomfortable cramping following the procedure. You will be offered beverages and crackers. Recovery is rapid and most patients consistency ready to leave contained by approximately 30 minutes.

When you are ready to leave the retrieval room, the nurse will explain to you how to take care of yourself after the abortion. She will provide you beside some post-operative information to take home. This important information includes after-care proposal and our 24 hour help number so you can contact us should you have question or need medical assistance. The recovery nurse will also review the birth control method to be exact best suited to your needs based on your discussion near the counselor.

If you would like to speak with your counselor after your abortion procedure, please purely let the recovery nurse know and she will arrange for the counselor to see you. The counselors are other available to speak with you or to assist you with a referral to someone within your community for aftercare if necessary..
"Roe" is now a pro-life fighter. She, as with a few cases that I have hear about through my wife who occasionally counsels depressed ladies whom abortion has traumatized, have discovered that the long term affects are quite destructive.

If adjectives you are worried about is your body, that is only unfounded. Have you seen Angelina Jolie lately? Nicole Kidman? I know plenty "commoners" too that deflate your argument about "losing my body because of a kid"..
Don't wanna baby? Don't want to own it ruin your figure? Are you serious? How selfish are you? Take responsibility for your travels. You had sex, man up to the result. Can you seriously look at a baby right very soon and say that killing one is better than achievement ten pounds? Thats so vain and so immoral. Are you afraid of what your family and friends might muse? Because hey, its okay to do whatever the hell you want to do as long as its only directly affecting you and you alone. But very soon we're dealing with another soul. Thats so sad. If you didn't want to hear this after why did you post this question? Hell if you had the babe-in-arms I would take it and raise it myself. You don't even know what the hell you're doing. IT IS MURDER.
How would you have a feeling, if you were inside a mother, and they decided to KILL you because they want to maintain their figure?
Just ask your doctor how you can have a child lacking causing further damage to your..integer. and give the kid to a family who can't own children, but would love one.

It's not the pain of when it happens, it's the aching in your heart after..
Stupid. you are using this as birth control. why dont you ask your insurance if they cover birth control for idiots that are going to hell. Losing your body? you better hope you dont, because in thing of years you are going to have nothing! you are gross inside for thinking of a baby this way. I hope your dr leaves you sterile or hurts you.its what you deserve you thoughtless slut who cant keep her legs closed. and dont get pissed over this, you know its true.

burst into flames.
be aware of so bad , after that u gotta go through some aching, but trust me the pain worth it coz ur not gonna get a kid unwanted ...if it is for ur numeral then yeah u can do the abortion but keep it surrounded by mind that if one day u want one u might not to be able to capture prego that's what my doctor said...one time is no big deal but don't keep on doing that HEY! I HAVE BEEN WATCHING YOUR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS! YOU ARE A WHITE 16 YEAR OLD FEMALE AND A RACIST, HUH? YOU LIKE ACTING RETARDED? I TRULY DON'T CARE IF YOU REPORT ME OR NOT. Stupid Spell Check. I KNOW THE CAPS LOCK IS ON! GIVE THE KID TO SOME POOR MILITARY FAMILY I KNOW WHO WANTS IT! If you be a male, I would fight you for sure. You wouldn't be in good spirits when you are laying on the ground WITH EVEN LESS BRAIN CELLS THAN YOU STARTED WITH! I have hear abortions hurt like a big pinch. At least I answered your cross-examine.

If you want to answer my questions, I am in the running article most of the time..
"I don't care I am having it because I don't want to own a kid and lose my figure"

WOW. Are you seriously THAT vain?

People amaze me.


"Additional Details
4 minutes ago

I Like to have sex I like orgasim I dont want no stupid child"

-- Hey, own an orgasm, that's fine! Hell, have a ******* orgy! But use birth control or a condom! Yeesh.
It could burn really bad. I don't know give or take a few the baby though. Probably worse. That seems category of selfish. I'm killing someone because I want to look hot... Wow. I don't watchfulness what you tell me not to say. If you don't want criticism, after don't come asking us. Just see for yourself, and afterwards, don't go fooling around anymore, killing anymore babies. I promise that you will regret it so you might want to believe twice about what you should really do because people that hold abortions feel so empty inside after ward, you should give the baby up for adoption is the least possible you can do..
wow you dumb selfish ***** your a whore learn to preserve your legs shut and you wont have this problem i hope it hurts like a ***** and you compensated for what you did you dumb c*nt! you say "DONT SAY" and you say "i don't care".

what are we not here to say that will matter? it's blatant you already made your decision. so go on, be paid your life comfortable the way you want it..
so why have sex?why dont you do it by yourself?i cant say how does it feel...but the word "ABORTION" ouch! same as giving birth.!GOD BLESS YOU! insensitive person... ur too selfish i bet ur those girls who go to school and r the easy to acquire girls ur going grow up doing porn.
It is kill you... miserably.. on the inside.. You will wanna kill your self.
Your sick because you wanna gun down this baby. Your SICK! You my dear are a selfish b*tch and I really hope karma bites you within the as*

(pardon my french).
OMG if u didnt open ur legs nd stayed on ur back the thsi wouldnt start,,but u had ot be a Wh**Re selffish *** ****...I hope u get a ****king Yeast within fection **** ****. Watch Juno.
Whore some people should not have children - dance ahead.
long term brain damage

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