What could produce me to miss my length? Other than pregnancy. I know to be precise not the crust.?
Answers: Yes this could be the problem. I own had problems with my period and the doctor said that alot of stress and weight gain or loss could be to blame. If you havent eaten much within the past few weeks or went on a diet this could also affect it..
yes that could be it. i am over freight and always under stress and i miss my spell a lot but i also just get diagnosed with poly cystic ovary disease. its not fatal it merely causes you to miss periods and other things. look it up and if you verbs missing periods go to your doctor. it also could be other things to. i other since i had my first period missed them plentifully to. i would go a year without one consequently boom have one for anywhere from a week to 4 months. no joke. but its true. apposite luck with this. Stress can sure miss or delay a spell. Also, if you are young, your periods may be erratic..
Yes, definetly Change contained by Diet, full moon.. it changes your cycle, hormonal imbalance,