Answers: Most people don't bleed AT ALL.
You have a 90percent arbitrary that your cherry was "popped" YEARS AND YEARS ago…
If you have ever gone horseback riding... It is gone…
If you own ever fallen hard beforehand on to your butt… It is gone…
I’m pretty sure mine was obliterated when I be like, 6 and slipped on a metal balance public house and hit my pelvis so hard on the strip of metal that they thought I might have fractured my pelvic bone… Yeah… It hurt MORE after you can imagine… I’m 27 now and it hurt so bad that the memory is seared contained by to my brain!
It is a myth that girls will “Bleed” when they have sex for the first time… It can happen, but is not a guarantee! The probability of you finding blood anywhere on the sheets or your clothes is damn small… I never saw ANY blood, at all… And I was 100percent never penetrated before I lost my virginity.
Spanish mothers would transport the sheets and put a smear of chicken blood on it before the wedding so that the husband would conjecture that he caused the blood and it would be “Proof of her virginity”. Mothers have be doing that for all of history…
As long as you know you have never have any form of non-self stimulated sexual contact, you are a virgin… Nothing else matters but that…
I few spots and that's even if you still have it, What I be a sign of is if you played crazy sports ever used a tampon, you could of popped it already. some cases nothing. Some very uncommon cases there could be excessive bleeding. But most cases it is worth neglecting. .
It depends on the personality. It may be a few drops and some don't bleed at all. Some people don't bleed at adjectives. It all depends on the person.
I did alot!! The sheets have to be thrown away! No blood for me :).
there are a lot of factor that determin how much u bleed. not too much, just a few spots.
I didn't bleed at all. It depends on you.