
am a software engineer & my job is similar to sit in front of computer whole morning. now a days i found that i forgot most of the things. like if i own 2 find a doc. & wen i open my computer. i suddenly forgot y i opened it. if i stir in some other room 2 find sumting. upon entering that room i forgot Y i came hea. I hope u undastnd wat am trying 2 utter. It did happened before but not day after day. once in a while. now it happen most of the tym.
Is thea any exercise i shud do for this??or eat something?
if anybody suggest. I shall be very gratefull


Brown vaginal discharge for 5 days?

Maybe its ADD.

Mirena IUC birth control...?

It's incredibly difficult to read question which are written in "text speak". Write properly contained by full words, spelled correctly - it's really not difficult and doesn't take any longer!

You might want to try Ginko Biloba.

Is it ordinary?

Maybe you should see your doctor, My friend has seizure and forgets thing often. Seems to effect short and long occupancy memory just started suddenly.

I involve a girls sustain this is seruios!?


Are near any exercises that will label my breasts look bigger or perkier?

I stink!!?
Could my pregnancy be ectopic?
Any aid ?
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