Ugh...acne at MY age?

I am 36...I spent my teens and 20s basically acne-free, I have have 6 children (tubal ligation after the last), so I am on no hormones. I wash once daily next to Clean &Clear, and apply a light moisturizer afterwards. I only apply makeup roughly speaking once a week to let my skin "breathe". I don't just break out around my term. Don't get me wrong, my face isn't a "pizza pie" but I other have about 6 pimples at any given time and when one go away another one pops right up. Anything else I can try? Seems to me I'm doing everything right...And does that Proactiv stuff REALLY work? Should I try it?

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Hey there,

You are singing my song.

Honestly, I'm not sure there may be much to completely cart care of the pimples altogether -- I also started breaking out a lot when I turned 36, and my doctor prescribed me something that be, basically, prescription-strength Clearasil. That actually cleared up the worst of it.

I still obtain the occasional pimple, but -- I always was prone to acne, so it's not really any different from what it's other been for me. I take attention to detail of the occasional spot with either over-the-counter Clearasil, or -- I kid you not -- a wipe of toothpaste. That seems to clear up a pimple pretty quickly, contained by just a few days.

Is it true that the average feminine can with the sole purpose fit 6 inches (length not width)? (of you noe what)?

Don't know if you've tried it, but... The AVEENO product line have a lot of good items that may oblige. They're gentle soaps, generally fragrance free. I instinctively use and love their shaving cream. AVEENO stuff is available at most drug stores, and it's not terribly expensive either.

The public house soap is a very good choice for showering and wash skin that is acne-prone.

As for the Proactiv product... it works for some folks, for others not. My daughter (*age 19) has constrained success with it.

John Jones, M.D.

I stopped taking yaz please respond.?

Don't buy Proactiv, it's a rip stale to be honest with you. They make it so you run out of the most high-status thing (the facial scrub) and then you enjoy to buy a whole new $50 bundle...and it doesn't work amazingly either.

Are you able to see a dermatologist? Because some of the acne treatment they can provide you really works well...

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i love proactive.. but now i use verbs n clear the green one.. proactive just got tooo expensive for me to buy.. but simply dont ppop them because it spreads the bacteria and forms other pimples..dont touch your face after popping one or when ur hand are dirty either.. otherwise your doin a gooood job already =]

Can you hold cellulite at a young at heart age?

It sounds similar to your hormones are changing which happens to adjectives of us in our thirties. Proactiv does work very powerfully and I would give it a try. Be sure to get the refining cover because that really helps.

Girls individual?

i've never used pro active but my husbands brother have really terrible skin growing up (from what my husband told me) and his aunt also had desperate skin, they used proactive and you cant even tell there skin be bad

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