Tired, feathery head, dizzy, cramping? i can't be pregnant can i?

I feel really light head and shacky. I also have cramps but not as bad as interval cramps. I'm also getting overheated despite my family all beneath blankets. I have had unprotected sex a few times just now but I didn't think i was ovulating because i hold extremely irregular periods and a few months ago i had low estrogen level and didnt get my period for 4 months. I don't want to check anytime soon because of the irregularities. Could this be a sign of pregnancy? Did anyone get this and were pregnant? I don't own and cysts or anything, i was tested a few months ago. Please no mean comments. I'm 19 and aren't sick (that i know of)

I Saw This Lady Today?

Yes you could be pregnant. Having unprotected sex near a highly irregular period wasn't the best impression, because you do not know when you are actually ovulating, so it's much harder to track.

Generally women find that insatiable hunger is the first symptom. The kind of hunger that you can put away a whole second helping of everything and you could go for round three. Followed by a tiredness that you own never known. Then come swollen boobs and tightening in the uterus (slight cramping). It's different for masses women, but this is generally the first three weeks or so.

Morning sickness generally starts around 6 weeks.

Mind you it adjectives could be symptomatic of out of whack menstruation. High hormone fluctuations will do it to you too.

I suggest doing a pregnancy test a day or two after your length is due to make sure you have plenty pregnancy hormone for a positive reading.

In the meantime take a good point prenatal vitamin to be on the safe side. All women of child baring age should clutch them anyway.

Good luck!


It all sounds like it could be pregnancy -- except the cramps member. Cramps occur when your body's endocrine system produces altered hormone levels that basis your uterine muscles to contract. This contraction can be useful when expelling blood, as during menstruation, or when pushing a baby out of the uterus and into the birth conduit as during childbirth. I would test for pregnancy as soon as possible, but cramping is counterproductive to a pregnant woman's body -- expelling a fetus while it is still developing kills the fetus. If you are pregnant, the cramp-like agony may be symptomatic of an impending miscarriage or a serious condition such as an ectopic pregnancy. Do not wait; go to a doctor, planned maternity clinic, or women's health center and get a professional theory test immediately.

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