Thinking of going to the hospital...?

ok for the last 4 days i've had this really sharp anguish right under my rib cage, contained by the center. until this morning it was only that spot and just came on suddenly when ever and it would only finishing about 30 seconds. today it's spread through out my unbroken stomach and it's like a 10 on the 1-10 pain enormity. i've been thinking that it will just walk away so i've ignored it but it seems to merely be getting worse. along with it i've had some nausea and a really unpromising headache, i eat it hurts i don't eat it hurts. it will come on suddenly and it will finishing about 2 min. and i scream it hurts so fruitless, but i have work and i just get my insurance today so it's been impossible to go to the dr. i used webmd. symptom checker simply to see if its serious but idk if its serious enough yet. i've already have my appendix removed because of a virus attacking it, i've been treated for the virus, idk the name of it i be younger, but the dr did say it could come bk and attack my liver and other organs. but the other thing thats be bothering that i've never said anything about it's kind of tmi.. but over the ultimate year 3 dif. times i have gone to the bathroom to #2, and blood came out. it wasn't alot conceivably like 1/4 of a cup or something and it didn't effect me again for a while, idk if that has anything to do next to what's going on now but i have no clue what i should do. i'm contained by bad pain but i don't want to drive up to the hospital if it's something simple. and i have an ulcer last year, i be put on prilosec for 6 months to help the symptoms. so any adivce, anyone else have this?

sorry it's long...

Answers:    I am a CMA and own personal experience in this

You have a bleeding Ulcer and you requirement to be seen NOW.
My grandfather died due to a bleeding ulcer
Any time in that is blood when you go number two it is not a good sign especially if your bowel movement is black

Go to the emergency department right very soon. If you can't drive yourself, call 911. Give them all the information you give us, especially the bit about the virus- that sounds very unusual and they might not ruminate about it otherwise. Nothing is TMI for them. You really need to see a doctor. There is no process that any of us could give you a decent diagnosis. You necessitate a professional that can run tests and possibly do some x-rays. Please don't waste any more time and walk..
Yeah, time to go to the hospital:

Pain of 10.

Bloody #2 (as you put it).

These are really not simple things.

Best of luck!.
Go to the ER immediately. Your torment is unbearable, and there's nothing you can do something like it. You need the doctors! They will find out what's wrong. Best of luck sweetie, I really hope you feel better soon!!

Edit: NO! Do not compromise your form for other people! Call 911, I'm serious. The only means of access to make this better is to see a doctor immediately. A couple of Tylenol won't do anything. Listen to your body, not your mom and husband.

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