Swimming and period?

I have to take a swimming class. However, what am I supposed to do going on for my period? Tampons are pretty much out of the question. I can't use them. Can I swim minus them and not be nervous about it?

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if you bleed adjectives over in the water the sharks will come after you

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Unfortunately, swimming on your time of year without tampons is a very risky situation.
You could run the chance but remember that the water doesn't necessarily stop your extent but if the pressure in the water is greater than the flow of your term many people will not bleed while within the water. However, if its a heavy daylight, it's very likely you will bleed surrounded by the water.
It will not be medically unsafe for you to swim without tampons on your extent, but if your outside of the water and start leaking, or anything close to that it could lead to embarassing moments.
Tampons are really simple to use... I was afraid the first time I tried them when I first get my period (age 8), because I was on a swim squad; I also attempted this on my own without telling my parents. If you gain a new box they come with directions if you're really unsure in the order of using them; but once you start you might actually prefer them on a daily starting place.
I hope all works out for you

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Why do you think you can't use tampons??

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Nope, I guess you probably own to skip that class. You can't wear a pad at the pool because 1 the pad will bring soaked up with the pool water and you will bleed adjectives over the pool.

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No, you'll stain your swimsuite and get blood in the dampen. Talk to your mom about using tampons. They are easy to use and they don't hurt.

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you willl be fidgety. you hsould wear a tampon though. i heard that blood dissolves in hose down. just a rumor.


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