Since self pregnant I own no life & my body feel twice the consignment I am plus I am tired adjectives the time. Why?

I can understand not having satisfactory energy and being tired etc when you are tired. I also know that your body take a while to bounce back.

My son is now nearly 8 months outdated. I have stiff feet that are sore on the top of the foot when I stand up or bring out of bed. I have no motivation and am tired a lot of the time even though my newborn has been sleeping through the darkness since 1 month old.

I find it really hard to move around and it is approaching I have 10 tonnes of potato sacks on me. Every movement is a huge crack and I find that I sit on the lounge cause moving around tires me out quickly.

Anyone know what might be wrong previously I head off to the doctors again. They own done full blood workup and everything is normal.


Help?! (GiRlS OnLy??)?

Honey, first of all you own an eight month old, which although he is sleeping through the night you probably aren't. I give attention to that this might be more mental than physical. You may be suffering from a light case of postpartum depression.I give attention to what you need to do first of all is bring back up in the morning and get dressed. Then when your little guy get up and before he takes a rest, you and him need to get out and seize walking...Even if it is just around the block the first few days... This will serve many purposes, One, you will be exercising which releases worthy feeling endorphins and two you will be getting some sunshine which is always a mood nouns... Your son will also be looking at things around him and be entertained... Also you need to programme a little "me" time all by yourself exclusive of the toddler. Even if it is getting a cup of coffee at Starbucks or something.. To be a good mama you have to bear care of yourself. we as mothers always put ourselves end.. Not that we should be first necessarily but we don't have to be last any. Take care and respond back...

How can i play when i enjoy my extent?

hi i believe it is natural to feel tried and low on vigour
when i fell pregnant with my son i first went to the docs because i feel so ill being tired and dead it was then i found out i be pregnant. i had to give up work precipitate
good luck with the kid

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