Since going through an precipitate menopause, my skin seem to be blotchy. i own other have fitting skin.?

although, rather dry. but now it seem to be bumpy and uneven, with little broken vein. Is this a common complaint and is there anything i can do in the region of it.



I think it might be from stress, I break out when stressed. When you go through menopause you lose estrogen and endorphins, these are chemicals contained by the brain that help you cope with everyday rigidity. Take time to relax.

It could just be dry skin, using a facial moisturizer can help. Don't use the body moisturizer this can fashion your skin too oily and make you appear sweaty.

For the ladies who enjoy voluntarily have...?

If this is your one and only symptom of menopause, then you are very, exceedingly lucky! Skin problems are just one of dozens of possible effects of menopause - in my shield, mine became extra-oily but incredibly itchy ... I used to feel similar to I had ants crawling all over my body - drove me nuts!

I'd suggest you start by taking extra safekeeping and time with your skin and make sure you use products which don't result in further irriration (you may find you have to completely change from the products you've other used). Drink at least 2 litres of water per light of day as well - fantastic for your skin and great for the rest of your body too.

Don't know how you feel almost HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) but it may be worth having a chat to your GP about It if your skin doesn't raise and you continue to be unhappy give or take a few how it looks and feels. I didn't want to take HRT at adjectives and actually "went it alone" for 9 months up to that time giving in and begging my doctor for it (then again, you designation a menopause symptom and I had it - really bad!). It save my life - or, more accurately, it gave me backbone my life.

Hope your skin problem is just a small, intervening glitch that goes away soon.

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