Should I make a contribution her the mammogram results very soon or loaf until my father get final from break?

I have two aunts that put off their mammograms for former times eight years. Now, my father is a general surgeon, so they requested that he order them diagnostic mammograms so they can check to engender sure they are healthy. We agreed to do so (my mother and I run the front office) especially considering that my grandmother has have breast cancer. My parents have been on break and will not get back until subsequent weekend (the 23rd). I have no problem giving out negative results (one aunt completely negative). The other I enjoy already had to send put a bet on for additional imaging (magnification views and possible ultrasound).

This morning I get her results back. She has category 4 findings, which frequently comes put money on as some kind of carcinoma. They have recommended a biopsy. I'm worried roughly speaking giving her these results and feel that it should probably come from someone more knowledgeable than me. My father deal with these mammograms all the time surrounded by his professional capacity. But, it's my aunt. And I know she's already worried because I had to transport her back for the other tests. Should I contribute her a call or wait for my father?

Answers:    If this is not inside your scope of duties at the office, do not tender the results, family or not. You may have practice and understanding of the results to a degree, but you are not licensed and experienced to settlement with this. This is the same defence that the radiologist is not permitted to tell the results or findings when you go for a scan or x-ray, it is up to the treating physician to desire how and when to disclose the findings. You might accidently, and because of the relationship, and emotional connection, carry her over worried and excited over something that you mis-interpreted. Good luck!.
Do you usually give the test results to patients? If so do similar to you usually do. Being her niece you can probably comfort her and what not.

If you don't usually give out test results to patients, after wait for your dad to come back.

Goodluck, and I hope adjectives is well with your aunt..
Give them the word now, so they can get surgical or another type of treatment as soon as possible, preferably inwardly the next week or so. "Wait" and "Cancer" don't go very well together. She is already worried, and will continue to worry until she get the results anyway. She has the right to know about her vigour as soon as possible.

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