Sex next to my bf?

I'm 14, and he's 15. I want to have sex, but not get pregnate, and i know within are a TON of girls that loose their virginity around my age, and don't end up pregnate, but how do they do it? and should I have sex if I surface ready? What are the best types of birth control? When did you loose your virginity? i want to know everything before I sort a final decision.

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Sweetie, if you have any pride, any sense of honesty, any self worth at all, you would not have sexual relationships until after you are ecstatically married. You would always regret doing this before such a commitment to one you truly love and want to spend the rest of your vivacity with.

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Well our opinions should not be the ones effecting your finding to have sex. My friend had sex when she thaught she be ready (she was 15), and regrets it big time (she's 17 now). The agency not to get pregnant is to use birthcontrol pills and/or a condom. Since you didn't know about those, I own a feeling that you arent ready for sex. Condoms and bc pills are NOT 100% significant, so even if you use both, you can still get an STD or pregnant. And trust me, you dont want to get pregnant at 14. I'm 16, and still a virgin. One of my ex-bf's required sex too early and I wasent ready, so I broke up next to him, we went out for 6 months. One of my friends who doesnt regret sex was 17 when she have it and had been near her boyfriend since she was 15 and they are going to the same college subsequent year. So, if you dont feel like you are within a stable relationship, don't have sex. Wait until you love the boy and it will be more meaning full. You will remember the party who you lost your virginity to for the rest of your life. I would suggest waiting until you have at tiniest been with him for a year because, what if you get pregnant? If he wasent with you long enough to where on earth he truly cared about you and loved you, he would bolt, and you would be nonetheless another single teen mother.

I haven't have my term within over 3 months...?

If you are smart you will wait and share the most wonderful moment of your life next to someone that you truely love. I know it's hard believe me but it is best to wait. If you don't lurk you will regret. Many teenagers make the wrong decision and really regret it after that in life. My mother is a nurse and say that some birth control pills are bad for your health. Just please trust and continue.

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im 14 too. i think you should wait. one of my friends have sex and lost her virginity to her ex. i was really disappointed in her. the pill doesnt other worlk because my mom was on the pill and then she get pregnant with my little brother. and just because most folks dont get pregnant doesnt mean your not going to.

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Don't do it because you want the sex.
Especially don't do it because other individuals you know do.
Do it if you are in a serious relationship, you love the person you are near and you are preferably on the pill.
Use protection.

Period serve!!!?

nothing but abstinence (sp?) is 100% significant. and at 14 y.o.?!?!?! if the other TONS of girls your age shaved their head bald would you? im not trying to nouns like your mom, so if you insist then you at lowest need to get on the pill first. and other use a condom. i didnt lose my viginity until i was 17 yo. honest to goodness. so have a sneaking suspicion that it over

good luck and be smart. JB

Intercourse on length? aid!?

your at the age of puberty so sex is always on ur mind.. its completely fluent to be thinking abotu having sex.
however, i really do not recomond having sex at such a immature age.. wait untill ur in a serious relationship back jumping into bed
when ever u have sex use a condom

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