Sex beside an Anal Fissure?
She has been applying the cream prescribed & say it's getting better.
However, it's also been seven weeks where on earth our sex life has be on hold. At the start, the doctor said it should clear up in around two weeks. However, it took longer.
We haven't tried but she's afraid sex will hurt & cause reduce to rubble so I wanted to know, as it's improved, would sex (not anal sex) explanation any further damage & should it bring discomfort?
Please only answer this if you've experienced this situation yourself or you know just about this subject. Thanks to those who can help.
Answers: i personaly dont see how an anal fissure would interfere with vaginal intercourse. dance slow and make sure she is well lubricated b4 u do it.
She should in actual fact return to her doctor if it's been 7 weeks and it isn't better, she needs a stronger prescription. And yes, it will be discomfited to have sex since the vagina and anus are so close.Get her to the doctor and get some antibiotics or another cream. And you should be forgiving with her, you wouldn't like to be pestered roughly sex if you had a problem, right? It depends on the fissure because as you insert since the vagi na is so close to the anus it can cause some discomfort but I don't give attention to it would cause it to get worse appointment the doctor who gave her the medicine and ask lately to make sure. But i think it will I don`t know be just a little humiliated..
It depends where the fissure is. If it is on the perineum area, later it could make it slightly worse by having sex. If you do hold sex, I would recommend using a lubricant as this will help to stop any further tearing of the fissure. She should budge and see her doctor again if it has not healed up, surely you can both contribute and receive oral sex if she if she is concerned about intercourse.
tread carefully