Question around upcoming colposcopy ?
What would the most sensible reason for this to hang on to showing up be? I'm scared that it has to do next to my boyfriend. He's on the larger. side and sometimes it does hurt when we have sex. Nothing major, simply enough to make us stop for a second. Could this be a idea to why my results keep coming back this channel? Any advice from someone who's been contained by my shoes would be great!
Answers: Well, I have definately been contained by your shoes, and when I wore them, I was a bit nervous and worried, too!
Now, I am going to make clear to you what 'my' results were, but don't freak! I had 'abnormal cells' which my doctor told me be pre-cancerous cells.. it wasn't cancer, but the cells be the type that had a possiblity of becoming cancerous. That's why they order up a colposcopy. It's somewhat painful, so be prepared (no, it's not like murderer pain, but VERY uncomfortable!) and what they do it pluck rotten a few pieces of skin to take a better look. After I got mine, they said it could hold been caused by HPV. (That's why so lots people are advocates for that shot because you can hold it for years and years before it expresses any symptoms, and there are close to over 30 strains of this thing). I still deny that is what it was/is... I was 27 when I have to get mine. I am thirty now, and what they did be make me go for paps twice a year to keep hold of an eye on it. After my two negetive paps, all my paps since then own been fine and I only turn once a year again. (I am 30 now). So, no, I don't think it's something to fret over, and it's definately not from sex, it's just that the doctor's want to be sure it's not cancerous cell... and the reason I went into detail roughly speaking HPV is because they will more than likely make you see some sort of movie, or give you literature about it, so this instrument it won't be such a shock like it was to me!! (I freaked totally!)
I will you luck, and keep positive