Question for Women Only Please!?

I might have a yeast infection, that may be going away. I can't tell my mom don't ask me why but she think only discusting people obtain yeast infections. I know it's one of the last things I'm going to do... So anyways here's my questions...
1. Can yeast infections stall your interval (if your not sexually active)?
2. What can I do to get rid of a yeast infection if I can't go anywhere and speech to anyone about it because it's too hard?
3. Is it a yeast infection if it's itchy and red?
And this is not a cross-question but please don't tell me to tell somebody I trust because I newly can't.

Answers:    Oh my gosh, do not bathe in bleach.

First of adjectives, every woman gets a yeast infection sooner or later, it have nothing to do with one dirty. A lot of women get them from taking any antibiotic, as well. Perhaps you aren't giving your mom ample credit? Or, maybe there is a mom of a friend you can settle to, or an aunt, older cousin, neighbor, etc. Yeast infections are NOT a sign of sexual activity, so if you mistrust it will be assumed you are having sex, don't worry just about that. Even young toddlers and infant girls can get yeast infections due to bake and moisture.

Yeast infections are very common and instinctive. They happen especially in stove weather. Bacteria that causes yeast infections thrive in heat up, moist environments. Wearing cotton panties will help avoid yeast infections.

Avoid taking baths and keep your vaginal nouns as dry as possible.

They will not stall your period.

Please see the below source links for reliable information. There are some home remedies you can try, as listed on the ultimate two links, however they still require ingredients that need to be purchased at a store.

okayy if you cant go to the store to receive it
ask maybe an older cousin or your auntie or someone that you can trust and if you cant do that you'll merely have to tell your mom trust me she a bit you tell her than for it to get worse and afterwards you'll have bigger problems Try filling up the hip bath tub with luke warm wet just enough to cover your bottom..And incorporate a cup of salt while the water is running and soak for an partly an hour...Or you can look up other home remedies on for yeast infections...Maybe you should try to find a free clinic they keep things confidential.Good Luck.
you should avoid milk and curd and lemon and other sour food...take more of apples and papaya... and lift Supari pak regularly ,it is ayurvedic medicine and very forceful. or drink amla juice and also rinse ur vagina with this liquid.
chek for more info on to get rid of a yeast infection, wear cotton underwear(white) not colored, wash next to a white soap(IVORY)wipe with only white toilet newspaper. Pour 1/4 of a cup of bleach into your bath water..
draw from some yeast infection meds from the store
try to buy some Vagasil from a store.
A yeast infection itches like crazy. It makes your inner and out labia swell and turn red. You do not enjoy to be sexually active to get a yeast infection. A yeast infection occur when the PH balance in your vagina become unbalanced. Since you are 12 your period can still be irregular. There is medication that you can buy at the drug store for roughly 14.00 that will cure a yeast infection in 3 days. It is on the Feminine product aisle. A yeast infection usually WILL NOT just step away and could cause you to get a deeper infection.
Maybe your mother think that only disgusting people obtain yeast infections because she associates them with masturbation. But anyone can get one at any time.
I really preference you could tell your mom. You need to receive it checked out.
Good luck I feel for you.
PS cussing at people is not a flawless thing to do when they are just trying to serve you. Suck up the fact that someone may see you and just buy the stuff. It's not approaching you are buying birth control. You have no reason to be red about what you would be buying. Jeeze Kid.

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