Predicting ovulation near irregular period?

I am looking for advice. I am almost 22, and have tremendously irregular periods. (usually only around 4 each year) My husband and I just get married in December, and would like to continue a while before trying to concieve. Due to religious reasons, we are not using a form of "birth control" to prevent pregnancy, but the "crude family planning method" is proving to be quite difficult. We are interested contained by finding a way to predict ovulation, (much like you would to plan a pregnancy) individual we are wanting to use it as a way to know when to "abstain". Has anyone had a similar problem, or perchance have some advice? I do not even know where on earth to start. I have been doing research on different methods of predicting ovulation, but it is rugged to tell which will work best with a situation close to mine. Most only predict based on "regular cycles". I apprieciate any aid that can be given!

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Hi! I feel your pain, when I get married my periods went away almost completely and the first few months of using NFP be very challenging. The biggest piece of direction I can give you is that having a extent four times a year is not healthy and you should really see a doctor who will diagnose any problems that you have. The most typical apology for missing periods is PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. You can google it for the symptoms to see if any fit you. If so, then your doctor can diagnose you beside some blood tests and possibly a vaginal ultrasound of your ovaries. With medication and weight loss, most women will resume have their cycles, even if they are sort of long. Anything would be better than 4 cycles a year like you're having right very soon.

Other reasons for missing periods can be thyroid disorders and other hormone imbalance. It's important for you to find out why things aren't working right for your overall health. A thyroid or hormone inequity can affect your total health, not just your menstrual cycles. For example, PCOS can put you at risk for Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease, so finding out hasty is for your own benefit.

Now, most doctors, if you go and say: "My cycles are irregular" will merely offer a couple little tests and after tell you to go on the Pill, so variety sure you find a good doctor who will diagnose you. You can look on the website to find an NFP only doctor and if you find one surrounded by your area, start there! Even if you own to drive an hour or so, I would still start there.

One method of NFP that might be very effective for you is called the Creighton Method. It is a medically standardized method which is a mucus only method. It may be more money to cram at first, but the benefit of using this method is that you can then work with a Creighton doctor who can, from your chart, diagnose any problems that you may own. It is a good method for women with irregular cycles because they bring to know their mucus signs very well and they can work beside crazy mucus patterns to have more usable days of intercourse than near any other methods.

If you have not taken an NFP class, if you are self-taught, then I would really urge you to run a class. A teacher can make sure that you follow your signs and charts and can help with really difficult months if you are not ovulating.

I would not recommend an ovulation prediction kit, which is what some women use to try to get pregnant, merely because if you are only cycling 4 times a year, those strips are going to get VERY expensive. Usually beside the OPKs, you are only testing for a week at a time, but you would be discussion about testing for months continuously. I reason you are better off doing testing near a doctor so that your body is working better.

One other option is to try to improve your nutrition and vigour in case those factor are contributing to your lack of menstrual cycles. If you are overweight, you might try to lose some weight. If you don't guzzle very well, try ingestion better or consider a vitamin or nutritional supplement. The book "Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition" by Marilyn Shannon is a great resource for how to supplement to improve the health of your cycles.

Hope something contained by there helps! Good luck.

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item is you ovulate 20 BEFORE your next cycle. with you not knowing when exactly your subsequent cycle is in my opinion you should check beside your doctor to see why it is you are only having 4 a year. that route it can be more predicted. you could do like we did for years.the pull out method.

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economically, you can do it the week after your period and during your period.

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