Please give a hand on this

hi there i had my son 15 weeks ago today by c slice i bleed for 2 weeks after i had him and breast feed him for 1 month i afterwards didnt have a period for 6 weeks the i started my spell and my pill at the same time ive now be bleeding on and off for 5 weeks i have little tummy tenderness like a normal one near pmt i have been possibly to active tho as just moved home i took 2 packet of contaceptives back to back but i still seem to be to be bleeding its not got an odour and theres no clots i did go to my docs end week and he said he was normal i get post natal depression to and im just confused really. thank you

Answers:    Hi, this can be perfectly ordinary after a massive hormonal change like pregnancy. It trade name take awhile to settle down, give it awhile longer, if your still have breakthrough bleeding after a few months, your Dr might consider a Pill change..
I'm not exactly sure what you want to know? Yes, it takes a while for your body to become "normal" again after have a baby. You may be on the wrong kind of pill for your body. My proposal would be to get a second opinion from a different doctor. Postpartum depression is also thoroughly normal, esp with first time moms. Talk to your doctor; he/she will suggest some things to facilitate you get past it. GL! this is what happems during pregnancy everything go wierd for a while then returns bak to the normal state, nought to worry about!
youll be sorted out within 2-3 months

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