
im 14.
what actually happens when u walk for ah physial??
like for sports??
i have never played sports for the conservatory because i was scared to bring a physical.
i didnt know what they did.
Idk i was just startled to get one.
So like what do they do???

Answers:    Don't be panicky they'll take vitals, and make sure your nourishing .
A sports physical is just a normal physical--NOT a GYN exam.

For school/sports it will be distance from the ground, weight, reflexes (when they hit your knees and elbow with that funny little rubber triangle), listen to your lungs and heart, blood pressure, urine test, maybe some blood work, and maybe shots if your not up to date.

They may ask if you want a GYN exam but I doubt they'll ask if you tell them your not sexually involved. Plus you have the right to decline .
They take your blood pressure, temp, etc. They ask you rough, harmless questions. They listen to your heart. They filch blood. And they might measure your spine - in which you strip down to your underwear - but they prolly won't do that for a sports physical. At the doctors or conservatory?
At the doctors they gave me 3 shots haha
& they did the normal stuff : ]

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