Why do i draw from cramps when i masturbate and not when i enjoy sex?
I don't put anything in when i masturbate, and when i finish shortly after I grasp cramps then very insubstantially bleed later in the afternoon,
When I have sex with my partner neither develop.
Does anyone know what that is?
Answers: maybe your masturbating harder than when you own sex...this could be a possibiiity meaning that you are putting more pressure on your vagina than your partner does causing the camp and bleeding...also your nails might be scraping you vagina so watch out...maybe you should use sex toys instead (just a thought)
good luck...hope this help!.
I would recommend you use an object to masturbate. If you are using your finger then, it will create too much fiction regardless of you hold nails of not. It is also easier to lubricate a sex toy than your finger.
Biologically speaking, when you have regular sex the fragment that enter your vagina is being pushed outward by the vaginal wall. The vaginal wall actually collapse when your boyfriend's penis is inside you. This is why you may not carry any cramps.
This is how your body react. Different women get different reaction depend on the biological and mental state..
well if u use ur fingers you may be scratching something on the inside or puncturing ur vagina, i would masturbate near an object instead of fingers. when u do it with boyfrind he cant hurt u cuz penis is not sharp so turn c a doctor and use a dildo just in skin hope i hlped =) it probably cuz you orgasm when you masterbate and not when you have sex a when you orgasm your uterus contracts and sometimes pushes excess stuff out .