Period interview. Girls simply, please.

I haven't gotten my period yet, I am 11 and 1/2, I enjoy been getting a lot of discharge lately. Last dark I woke up with a back headache, a headache and my eyes slightly burned. I am going on a camping trip tonight for a few days and I have constrained packing space. Should I still bring something? Will I be getting my period soon?

Answers:    It might be a good opinion to bring something, even if it doesn't arrive, there is definitely a devout possibility it could, and I know from experience that it's NOT fun to have that happen on a camp trip. I had to resort to moss wrapped up in toilet article... NOT fun, let me tell you..
Sounds approaching your body's getting things together for your first period, but you can't tell whether or not you'll return with it while you're camping... heck, many women who've be menstruating for YEARS can't pin down their cycle that accurately!

two options for your camping trip:
1. pack some pad just in baggage, and you may never use them
2. don't pack anything, and if you get your period, any use washcloths/towels (wash and re-use [what do you think they did before disposables?]), or use something from another girl/woman on the trip

Once you enjoy your first period, I'd recommend packing supplies anytime you go on a trip - you never know when mother personality will surprise you..
There's no way to tell at what age you will catch your period. I was 13, but most of my friends get it around the age of 12. It is a really good idea to dance ahead and pack something small just in skin, because you don't want to get caught without anything. The pay for pain, headache, and burning eyes are more than likely not related to your extent, but the discharge could be an indicator that it might come soon. Best of luck to you and have fun on your trip! okay well i get mine when i was 12. i had discharge for approaching a year though, but yea you should try and bring something just in shield. don't bring a tampon though, i am 13 and i still can't get tampons "in". i know that sounds really icky, but yea, it's true. so yea just bring something. and if you don't get hold of your period right away don't worry roughly speaking it. you really don't want to get your period, it's so annoying! i abhor it. my friends all got their period after me though. it's really hard to say if you're gonna procure your period soon or not..
you might want to bring something just surrounded by case!

or a few so if you do start, you will be prepared to change it when you necessitate to!

but be careful because sometimes at night it go on the sheets ... it happened to me every night when i first started because i be really heavy. it sucks.

just take care!.
yes i wud take sumthing just incase at hand is a chance u will be... sum plp say uur yung but i started on a camp trip at 9... i didnt take anything and i was stuffing toilet weekly dwn ma knickers for a week lol... take it just contained by case.. hopw i helped It could be a while still formerly you get your period, or it could be outstandingly soon but take some pads a short time ago in case, because you never know. Its better to be nontoxic than sorry! :).
you should bring some just incase because it might be embarrasing asking you camp counsiler especialy if its a boy pocket something just incase

but it will happen surrounded by its own time dont wory

Definetly Take Some Just Incase =) x take some just surrounded by case

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