Period interrogate?

ok so i started my period on monday and the bleeding and cramps were run of the mill i use tampons but i ran out the other day and used pad. but i have been stressing former times two days and now my period is different. the wad hardly has any blood on it. but when i use the bathroom for a moment comes out. its not in my urine or anything. and sometimes i can feel the blood but its not coming out. but im wondering if this could be because of stress or do you mull over its more. i have been beside the same guy for over a year and a half very soon and both have been tested and the oral exam were negitive so what do you think??

im sorry if this be kinda graphic.

Help please Help!?

Ok well it is Thursday immediately, so it is probably slowing down. your period doesn't have to be robust the whole time and it doesn't have to ending for 7 days either.

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I think that its ok and that you are lately adjusting to the change...

It could enjoy been just stress, but conceivably you should ask your mom about it (I dont know how old you are, sorry)

Wait until this one ends and you are on another subsequent month and see if things go back to common, it could just be that your period is closing moments, so nothing much is coming out...

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If the color is "odd" compared to what you are usually like, it could be implantation bleeding..we do hold one last period when we get hold of pregnant -- it's just "different" -- for instance, mine with both my boys be a brownish/red clotty -- spotting period. I have hear others say they had a pink color and be pregnant.
But yes, stress CAN affect your period too.

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Stress should not change your time once it has started. Stress can affect ovulation, which will affect when you period begin, but it will not cause your period to stop or slow down. I surmise that your period is just conical off as is normal for any woman after a few days. I wouldn't verbs.

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I so dk, but u probably need to ask u're gf buds to help u out. If I be u, then I wouldn't worry something like it at all. I think you're FINE!

(If u can, plez choose as a best answer for me. THANKS but u don't own to. It'll be cool. ;/ haha... ummm. yeah

Periodd! ahhh?

Well since you started on monday, the blood is gradually ending. There's closely more blood on the first, second, and maybe third day, but as the daytime go on you start to stop. That's the same near me.

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your period is ending.. its be like 5 days

it came out cynical because youre supposed to take the test a few days beforehand reg period
if you read the directions
wait until later and try again

Does anyone know whatz wrong beside me? please comfort!?

no your period is just just about to end is all... your time is usually light when it starts heavy on the 'middle days' and lightens until it comes to a stop.

I get a grill just about me and my situation?

im not sure, but stress REALLY affects my time.. sometimes itll be completely irregular when im anxious or very busy..
if you think somethings really not right move about see a doc..
good luck!

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I think it is newly your period ending...zilch to worry about, unless your getting profoundly of discharge or something wierd.

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I havent started yet.All my friends have and I asked them some Qustions because I could be starting soon and you may be closing moments your piriod.

Skipped term??

just stress don't worry it cause weirdness all over your body lol detached down a bit and dont worry

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Its normal. Stress can enjoy an impact on your period.

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probably stress.


The first few days are the heaviest - it's slowing down now that you are on you're fourth year.

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no im jk , prob nothing, it will go away

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stress. happend to my friend when she started.

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Strong or meagre or average?

Just sounds similar to it's one of your light days.
My light days are usually around the 3rd or 4th morning.

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