Peeing frequently?

i pee a lott and it stings right after i pee, even now i feel close to peeing omg, it's really uncomfortable, what's wrong with me?
could it be a UTI, pregnancy or what?

Are your probability of becoming pregnant lessened by have an overactive thyroid gland?

It's a UTI i'm sure. Start drinking profusely of cranberry juice(pure, not the sugary kind) until you can see a doctor(make an It will make the peeing feeling be in motion away, and stinging after a couple of hours. Drink the whole bottle, and two if you can. It will just brand name everything more comfortable. Start peeing before and after sex. It sounds like a bummer...but once you seize into the habit of it, it's pretty easy and routine similar to. That way you can go verbs yourself too. Depending on how long you've had the UTI for, you may have a kidney infection. The first time I have a UTI, I waited 3 weeks to go to a doctor b/c I didn't know what be going on, and it had spread to the kidneys. Now I know, even before the peeing stings.Pee frequently too. that will give support to. good luck.

Have u notice this until that time?

It could be a UTI,bladder infection or even a kidney infection..Usually with pregnancies you dont be aware of the burn or stinging feeling while peeing..You should get to the doctor and seize some anti biotics to take care of it..People read out drinking cranberry juice will cure it,but thats not true.Drinking cranberry juices help ALOT to prevent but can often make the infection worse if your drinking it to cure one..So beckon your doctor and get this cleared up..Good luck!

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I would guess it is UTI but you don't want to diagnose yourself. Go to the DR so that they can give you some meds to get hold of rid of it if that is what is wrong. Drink a ton of cranberry juice within the mean time. That is really good for that benevolent of stuff. Hope everything is alright.

Am I not getting my spell this month?

you definetely have a UTI. just budge to the doctor and they'll get you on some antibiotics and you'll feel road better in a couple days! good luck!

Light brown discharge 15months ago?

uti or std...stir to the doctor and get sum antibiotics asap!

Period Question.?

dont drink any liquids for a long time
and that should solve your problem visibly

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I am afraid of sex ,It sounds terribly itchy?
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