Pain and bloating contained by my lower tummy?

i have this pain surrounded by my lower abdomen on my right side.and i am really bloated, visibly. it is a dull achy pain, and its not sever but its not mild dull pain. its inbetween.
what could this be from?
i just got finished beside my period and im taking birth control pills, could that be a factor?
help please.
if you obligation more imformation let me know.
i tryed to go to net MD but they made it sound like i be gonna die, so i need advice from material people. thank you.

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Most likely constipation. The reality that you mention you have periods and are on the pill method you are young, and therefore you should NOT start freaking out going on for ovarian cancer!! Appendicitis does not cause bloating or a dull achey pain, it cause severe pain which is worse on movement and often associated next to nausea and fever. My first advice would be to rule out constipation - you'd be surprised how tender that can be. So if you haven't opened your bowels in former times couple of days, take a mild over the counter laxative, plenty of fluids and plenty of fibre.

BoObS PrObLeM!?

It could be frequent things, your birth control, a sist on your ovary, you appendix, and your bowels. You should talk your doctor if it hurts when you push in and you can't hop on one foot its ur appendix I don`t know, pain in the belly is a side afftect of birth control, I suggest talking to your gyno first then your doctor

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I don't want to alarm you but you need to be checked as soon as you can. Those are some of the very subtle symptoms of ovarian cancer. It could also be appendicitis, or a undamaged lot of other things. I would call your doctor and make an appointment as soon as you can.

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ok i have those symptom around 2 weeks ago after taking a morning after pill. so it could be the pills ur taking.. i went to da dr and he gave me a table for acerbic reflux, i took them for a week and da pain went... i dont know if that might oblige

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