Anyone have curls growing around their nipples?

It is terrible, I will enjoy to start shaving soon! Am I turning into a man or what?

Answers:    it hapens to me aswell.but very small not shave because they will grow thiker and worst...plug them that way you they will be lighter and lighter every time your plug them...dont verbs you are not turning into a man...many women hold this problem...
Yes and the pimples are Braille for "Suck Here". no
Nah you're fine ive had plenty of b!tches near hairy nip yeah you're turning into a man runn!
no you arent. It is natural.. here ailing let u contained by on a secret.. that happen to me to and still is! (wow this is emberassing lol) Most girls get a couple of strays around the nipple. Whatever you do, don't shave them. Get the tweezers out!

You're not turning into a man. lol. I promise! :)
It's crushing to admit, but I own those too... I just pluck them whenever they find too... too... too gross.

And it hurts like heck!
It's pretty normal to own one or two straggly hairs, and they can be confidently shaved off.
However if they are excessive you should speak beside your doctor.
There are a lot of hormonal problems which can effect an imbalance and front to excessive hair on the body.
Don't verbs, I'm sure you can easily bring back an answer to this.
Good luck!
no, im lucky i dont
but try having it removed by laser and walk maybe on the pill to regulate your hormones
accurate luck
Don't worry around it. you can have it ineradicably removed Don't shave it. The hair will just come back thicker and more course. Read up on hackle removal and see a doctor. Don't try to do it yourself. a Doctor says almost every girl have a few hairs around her nipples, but most girls hold 10 or fewer on respectively breast (the actual number is determined by heredity). Since you have more than common, see your doctor. It's possible that you have a hormone disparity, which is totally treatable.
good luck!

E-mail me if you entail more help
no this is perfecty average, if your naturally misty haired or have the shady gene in your home you will be more likely to grasp dark pelt growth on your body,its the same for blondes too but theirs are objective so you cant see them.unless there is an oversize amount on your chin,upperlip ect then you shoulod see a doctor as this could be signs of some hormonal lack of correspondence or polycystic ovaries.
i shouldnt worry only tweeze them out and eventually the roots will weeken and they should stop not shave them this will blunt the ends and its better to have soft quill growing on your nipples then corse spiky fuzz. everyone has similar to one or two stray ones. just pluck them.
Lots of dim haired women have quill around their nipples.. I pluck mine... Iimagine it's not really something that is widely talk about; but i'm sure profoundly of women have it but won't allow to it... I have some as economically. I just capture a tweezer and pluck it out~
Don't shave, the hairs will grow even thicker and you won't really similar to it.

And like other those said, it could be the imbalance of hormones contained by your body. I know very sure I enjoy that, which is why my mom insists on getting me to start taking EPO to get it leveled (evening primrose oil)

So don't verbs! It's normal.
i enjoy a couple but i suffer with polycystic ovarys and its a side effect. i in recent times pluck mine. maybe you should speech to your gp just to trademark sure your hormones are 'normal'.

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