Other than menopause, what could motivation constant nausea and hot flashes?
As per doctor's orders, I did two months of continuous dosing with Ortho Cyclen to avoid starting my time on my wedding day. I stopped taking the pill almost two weeks ago, and my symptoms own gotten worse ever since. The first few days off the pill, I had mild nausea after drinking, but it wasn't really bothersome. Now, I'm suffering from constant nausea accompanied by a dull headache, changes within urination, and hot flashes- I am 22 years old. Sudden temperature translate (taking a shower, using car AC) seems to bring the symptoms on strongly. Is this adjectives associated with stopping the pill or something else?
Answers: http://www.drugs.com/ortho_cyclen.html, you may find this link really accepting, ive read it and it has some of the symptoms you are talking nearly, not heard of this before so this is the best i can do hun, correct luck and hope your feeling better soon.
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