My partner finds my size/weight repellent - what to do?!?

Hi, about 8 years ago i was anorexic, after got over it. for an anorexic - or for me - it meant my body ballooned. a year and a partly later i got pregnant, give birth, and started losing weight. i was told that this is commonplace for some women - that pregnancy is healing. my metabolism after the anorexia was adjectives over the place and pregnancy had healed that, and be helping me to return to my natural 'womanly' shape.
i am 5"6, of a very slight bone structure. this is what have happened to mine (it obviously help that i run around after two kids). i weigh about 8 stone/50 kilos. i can eat anything i resembling whenever i like - my weight have been steady for 4 yrs. obviously this is the agency i'm meant to be. even dh sees i get through healthily.
however, he finds my slimness off putting. i don't know what to do, but it's beginning to really upset me. he married me approaching this - why can't he just deal next to it? his attitude it beginning to affect my own opinion of my bod, and for once i hold been really happy.

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thats right!! he married you this mode!! for better for worse in sickness and health
for well-mannered and bad..
he needs the comfort darling..not you..he has issues that are not your problems..dont wear his problems on your shoulders..
You say-so honey.if you love me..really love me you will except me for the loving beautiful woman i am...or you can take a fact if he keep making you feel like ****...afterwards i would be making the descion for pack up and go away...and dont anser your phone...if he dearly loves you keep watch on him come running...if he doesnt..then...he wasnt worth all those yrs of marital...or worthy of you...
I dont believe that you walk into a marriage to revise the other either love them that agency or you dont...and we have choices wether we like cracked people or big people and this descision should be made at the dating phase...what suits and what doesnt... stand your ground honey Please.please .he is wrong and you know it...he sounds shallow and tight

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Guys have a funny way of expressing themselves, I give attention to he is saying he doesnt like you human being skinny because he doesnt want you to go back to man anorexic and he is trying to make you feel that if you do put on freight it wont fase him at all. I think he money if you do gain a few KGs thats ok ... xxx

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You should, in all honestly, shift and end it all next to a chicken bone.

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Probably deep down he is worried for you because he knows your history near eating disorders. Are you sure that you are not even subconsciously curbing what you eat surrounded by order to stay slim? If not, and you are truly at a healthy consignment, then try to reassure him that you are healthy and lively with your body.

Talk to him about it. If you are drinking all you can and still have difficulty putting on shipment, then what does he expect you to do? Gorge on ice cream (Hmm...that sounds kinda good).

When I met my boyfriend, he nagged me just about losing weight. He is Asian and very skinny! I be very annoyed about this, even upset that he would criticize my body, and pretty much yell at him. After consideration, though, I decided that just for myself I really required to exercise more (I wasn't hugely fat, but did need to lose in the region of 8-10 kilos) so I started exercising. I lost a bit of weight, and felt better nearly my body. I still weigh more than he does, but he appears to have appreciated the effort and I consistency healthier for it. Anyway I guess the point is that we are just automatically going to be deterrent about our bodies--how dare he say that!--but when you mull over about it, physical attraction is a big part of any relationship, and it's ok for our partner to be honest about what they find physically attractive. And it doesn't mean he doesn't love you. Try to show him that you realize his point of view (don't just report him he has no right to feel that way), but at alike time, reassure him that you are not unhealthy.

Sorry, hope that made sense! I just can relate to you within that my boyfriend also criticized my body. Actually and by the way, I am American and he is Vietnamese--so it's partly cultural I come up with with my boyfriend. I think most American guys would know--don't ever update your girlfriend she is fat--but there ya go, he is kinda clueless in the region of that PC stuff.


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