My girlfriends delayed or missed length.?

Hey, My girlfriend who is 18 years old was suppose to receive her extent between the 4th and the 9th of the month. now its the 28th day of the month which make itabout 3 weeks late, and she still hasnt gotten her period. what could be cause this? we did have sex, although i just enter a couple times WITH a condom and had no ejaculate. I also asked her to take a home pregnancy theory test, which both came back unenthusiastic. Does anybody know whats going on?

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Sometimes girls miss their periods if they are under profoundly of stress. Has anythng been stressful in her duration? I wouldn't worry too much. I don't think she's pregnant, but if she does't return with her period in the subsequent week, take her to a doctor.
Good luck!

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well first of adjectives your 18 dont have sex second of all she is possibly lying to you so she gets attention and third of all why would you even ponder she would get pregnant cause you enjoy a condom and WHY ARE YOU HAVING SEX YOUR 18 NOT MARRIED YOU CANT EVEN DRINK SO WHY thats so stupid your going to ruin your life when you find out she is going to have a tot

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I wouldn't worry unless she is cheating but i just come up with her prd is weird i mean sometimes it change from having sex (even going in and out a couple of times) a moment ago to make sure go see a doctor

hope this help

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tell her to go to a gynaecologist asap impose if she isn't pregnant there could be something wrong, that or she is pregnant and you used a crappy home test

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yea sometimes women will skip a length although home tests are not 100% acurate i would take her to a gynecologist if i be you.

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Take another pregnancy test, ask her to SHOW you the results. It can be caused by stress, but she should see a doctor NOW.

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Stress can rescheduling her menstrual cycle. Her period may even stop for up to 4 months. But I'd say that if she doesn't receive it within the next week I'd step to the doctors and get tested there.

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Someone get her pregnant. If it was you, start working and saving to support the child. Don't steal my tax dollars by going on welfare.

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is she stressed possibly or maybe she should simply go to her gyno, or she could be pregnant by someone else.

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she might just hold skipped this month.normal

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